Soul Captor 1.1

Soul Captor 1.1

Free Soul Captor is a online fantasy massively multiplayer RPG
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1.1.0 See all
SEEDO games Co., Ltd.
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Awards (2)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer Virus Free award

Soul Captor is an online fantasy massively multiplayer RPG. It has a very good story for an online game and several cinematic cut-scenes that make it look more like a single-player game. It has a unique companion system, basically meaning that you will always play along-side a sidekick called an Anima. The game is anime inspired and, thus, it has a cartoon-like design with nice animations.

You play an Oracle, a lower form of a deity, that is summoned by the overseeing goddess Zeusa to investigate if the evil forces from the Dark Realm are returning. An Anima, then, selects you as its master and forever binds itself to you. After going to the Mortal Realm and discovering that indeed, there are traces of evil there, you report back to Zeusa. She instructs you to keep looking for the source of evil, and restore balance to the world. Right from the beginning you can tell that this game is pretty interesting because it gives you a sense of purpose in the fantasy world.

The character creation process has a decent amount of customizable features, and you can choose from 6 different classes. Each class has different skills and items but the appearance is pretty much the same. After entering the game world, the first few missions are designed as a tutorial and are also part of the main quest which means they can't be skipped. The game has a lot of unique features, and the tutorial explains them all very well over the course of about an hour. One of the most interesting features is the Anima. It is basically like the Oracle's sidekick which fights along side him and has its own skills and items. The Anima will level up at the same time with your character and it can also capture the souls of the defeated foes. You can use those souls to convert them into items or mounts.

The gameplay is similar to other MMORPG but some things do stand out. For example, the combo system. You can inflict more damage to your opponent if you synchronize your skills which will also create better animations. Another nice thing is that it has a very good pathfinding feature. Basically, it takes you automatically to the destination of a quest, without having to spend extra time finding it on your own. Also there is a special menu where you can see the available quests for your level, in the area you're currently in.

The graphics are decent, but the artwork is simply amazing. This is specific for anime-styled games. They don't necessarily have the best graphical engine but they never disappoint when it comes to quality animations and the overall design. The game also features very good voice-overs from professional actors and quality cinematics.

Soul Captor is an overall great game. It has so many unique features that make it very enjoyable and the fact that it is free to play doesn't hurt it either.

DN Senior editor
Dennis Niels
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Very nice animations
  • Good skill combo system
  • Interesting concept with the Anima companion
  • Good story


  • Outdated graphics



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  • Online rpg game engine
  • Free multiplayer rpg